Wednesday 3 July 2013

Tyren Fonoti was the winner of homework/communications artwork book winner from Academy School Books. 

Some of us had the opportunity to interview Tyren and here are some the questions we asked him.

Amy:  How did you feel when you heard you had won the competition?
Tyren: I was very excited that I had won the competition as I had put a lot of time in my artwork.

Nathan: What made you colour this piece of artwork so vibrant?
Tyren:  I like bright colours and wanted the colours to really stand out. 

Alia:  Did you ever think your artwork was going to be on the cover of the Academy School Book.
Tyren:  Nope as there are so many children who are such good artist than me. 

Tresardi:  What inspired you to draw these designs?
Tyren:  I am a Samoan and I like drawing patterns.  I had Samoan, Tongan and other island cultural patterns on my art. 

Rahil:  Do you want to be an artist in the future?
Tyren:  No, I don't want to be an artist as I like to be rugby league player.  I just like drawing for fun.

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