Monday 28 October 2013

Fun Run

On Wednesday 23rd of October the Year 4-6 students from Rosebank Primary, St Mary's Primary, and Avondale Primary went out to Eastdale Reserve to have a Fun Run. Sports Waitakere and the Police held this event. It was a fun event even though it was raining on and off. We had to run around the whole field which is about 2 kilometers. The Year 4's ran one lap, but the Years 5 and 6's ran 2 laps. When you have finished the race you were allowed to have a FREE sausage sizzle, and also you were able to play on the inflatable play area. You could also play tug of war.

That's Our Mascot

We all had to warm up before the run.

Ready Set Go

Come on pull.......

Seedling Sales


Room 28 would like to thank all the parents and teachers who brought the seedlings from Rosebank Garden.  We were able to raise $101.00 and from this we will be buying more compost and seeds.   If any body still wants tomato seedlings we have just a few left.  You can get in touch with the office or Room 28.


Wednesday 23 October 2013

Saturday 19 October 2013

Writing a Procedural Text

A procedural text is used to explain
  • How to do something
  • How to get Somewhere
  • When a set of rules need to be understood.
A procedure is generally quite easy to write as long you know a little bit about your topic.  This poster will walk you through the process of writing an effective procedural text by breaking it down into simple steps.

This week we are writing recipes.


Monday 14 October 2013

Turbo Touch

Today our class learnt a new sport called Turbo Touch.

Rules for Turbo Touch are:

1.      You need two passes to score a try.

2.      When a person gets touched we have to go back 2 meters.

3.      We have to give the person 2 second to run then we can touch them.

4.      We have 4 touches until we handed over.

5.      P.T.T . stands for Pass, Touch and Tap  

Today we went to the hall at 9am to learn about Turbo Touch.  We were not so excited about today’s lesson but when we got to the hall and heard what we were keen to learn.  |Our instructor was Jack and we learnt that Turbo Touch was invented in New Zealand by Tapine Wilson and George Jahnke.  The two touch players wanted to create a sport that could be played all year around.  We learnt what the rules are and we played some activities to warm up.  

Turbo Touch combines elements of:
Ultimate Frisbee
Our instructors Jack and Frenchessca


Please don’t squeeze me tight

Look into my eyes you are getting dizzy.  

I am tapping the ball and passing it on

We are suppose to jump over the try line as fast as we can.

We had a race with Room 18 - tapping and passing the ball around the circle.  Room 28 won.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Our fifth crop from the garden is ready and we will be selling it tomorrow (Tuesday 15 October) at 2:30pm by the flagpole. Please bring $1 or $ 2 to buy some vegetables to take home. We will be selling spinach, lettuce, parsley, radish and silverbeet. $1 bags of mixed herbs (mint, parsley, chives and rosemary). It will be on a first come first serve basis.

 Also for the first time we are selling tomato seedlings beefsteak to our community.

Two seedlings per pot for $1.50.

Please note that money collected will be used to buy some seedlings for the garden.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Tui School Garden Challenge People's Choice Award

Vote for Rosebank to win the Tui School Garden Challenge People's Choice Award!

The school with the most votes will win a $1000 voucher for Tui products to keep their garden growing. You can vote for more than one school, but can only vote for each school once. Vote by clicking on the 'vote' button and filling in your email details.

Click on our schools name to see the updates we have made showing how our garden is progressing.

Use the filter to show the schools in your region taking part in the Auckland area.

So come on children we need you and your family voting for Rosebank to win.  We have about 70 votes so far and need at least 200 to get in the winning.

Click on the link below to get Tui's web site.  Competition finishes on 25th October 2013

Mrs Singh