Monday 28 October 2013

Fun Run

On Wednesday 23rd of October the Year 4-6 students from Rosebank Primary, St Mary's Primary, and Avondale Primary went out to Eastdale Reserve to have a Fun Run. Sports Waitakere and the Police held this event. It was a fun event even though it was raining on and off. We had to run around the whole field which is about 2 kilometers. The Year 4's ran one lap, but the Years 5 and 6's ran 2 laps. When you have finished the race you were allowed to have a FREE sausage sizzle, and also you were able to play on the inflatable play area. You could also play tug of war.

That's Our Mascot

We all had to warm up before the run.

Ready Set Go

Come on pull.......


  1. You did a great job in the fun run. I love your fun run!

    By Rainnie zhang room11

  2. i wish i was there but im in Aussie, the sausage sizzle must of been more nice,( but corn dogs are the best).im sorry i didnt say bye to you's, and to my lovey teacher Mrs singh. i miss you's



    1. Hi Tyren
      We are missing you so much. I was shocked to hear you had left during the holidays. The whole class wanted to say goodbye. Hope it’s all working out at your new school. Keep commenting on our blogs and do send us emails from time to time. Love Mrs Singh & Room 28

  3. i wish i was there.
