Saturday 12 October 2013

Tui School Garden Challenge People's Choice Award

Vote for Rosebank to win the Tui School Garden Challenge People's Choice Award!

The school with the most votes will win a $1000 voucher for Tui products to keep their garden growing. You can vote for more than one school, but can only vote for each school once. Vote by clicking on the 'vote' button and filling in your email details.

Click on our schools name to see the updates we have made showing how our garden is progressing.

Use the filter to show the schools in your region taking part in the Auckland area.

So come on children we need you and your family voting for Rosebank to win.  We have about 70 votes so far and need at least 200 to get in the winning.

Click on the link below to get Tui's web site.  Competition finishes on 25th October 2013

Mrs Singh


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