Tuesday 26 November 2013


What is going on?



  1. It was big, short hair and had orange clothing on. It told my friends who were so scared that they didn’t want to go closer. All of them were so scared that I took one step at a time to see what it was. As I went closer and closer I saw a hand moving. It looked around the side of the bush and saw our friendly caretaker Mike busy cutting the bush.

  2. One hot day there was something in the bush. It was moving. I thought that I saw an orange chainsaw but than I saw a hand moving. I looked behind the bush but nobody was there. Then I heard a sound, when I turned around the hand was there and it was moving. Then suddenly Mikes face popped out of the bush.

  3. One hot sunny day.When I was going outside for some fresh air.I saw something moving side to side,he had orange t - shirt and he was chomping the leafs with a chainsaw.So I got to sneak up to who ever was chomping the leafs.Suddenly he was standing on ladder,and trying to see who is coming,so I went behind a car hide so he cant hear me.Then took a peak behind the car who is that,then I said to myself holy moly its Mike the big orange attacker.

  4. One day my friends and I were playing foot ball. Yoshi kicked the ball into the bushes I said “I will get it". While I was walking through the bush I heard a very loud noise. Something orange was in the bushes and a chainsaw came out. I was frightened and I started to shiver but when I walked to the side I saw our caretaker Mike cutting the hedge. I said to Mike "you scared me and Mike chucked the football back to me then we continued playing our game.

  5. One day I went outside to take off my shoes outside of the class room door. As I looked up I saw the big bush moving. I decided to investigate I walked over to the bush to look at the bush I saw a hand pointing to me so I went up closer. I went up to it then the bush started to move it was a bush monster that could cough but I didn't know that monsters could cough so I went back to class because my teacher Mrs Singh was calling me. I went back out one hour later the bush kept on moving until something pop up it was our school caretaker named Mike.
