Saturday 31 August 2013

Narrative Writing

click on the link below to create your own stories...

We are learning to write narratives. A narrative is a story which creates a picture in the readers mind of the events / situations that characters are experiencing. Narratives always have characters - good and bad, a setting -where the story takes place, a plot - a structure / story line as to what happens, a problem that the character experiences and a resolution-how the problem is resolved / sorted out. 
Preparation before you start writing your narratives
Before you start writing your narratives, you are to identify these features of a narrative.
Characters - who, what, where, why.
Setting - place where the story took place
Problem - the characters faced and experienced
Resolution - how the problem

Swimming Togs Reminder Week 6

Don't forget you are swimming Wednesday 9.40am and Friday 12.10 pm week 6.  That's two days of swimming this week.  Don't forget your togs and towel.  Please ensure children bring their togs on their swimming days.  All children are expected to swim unless they have written permission from their caregivers.  Thank to you to all the parents/caregivers who have already forwarded the payment of $10 for the term.

  Week 6

Wednesday 9.40am,  Friday 12.10pm.

Week 7

Wednesday 9.40am,  Friday 12.10pm.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Sunday 25 August 2013

My Marble Run


My marble run is made using plywood for the back to support the holders.  My mum gave me all the stuff from our kitchen.  I used all reusable materials from home.  It took me two weeks of planning and Mrs Singh nagging me.  My dad brought the wood from his work and helped me glue the materials on.    I followed the rule of having marble released from the left corner and exit from the right.  Once i dropped the marble in it continued to moving and didn't stop till it exited.

Mrs Singh:  How do you feel that you have completed your tasks as I remember it took a while for you to get started?
Caleb:        I feel proud that i got my marble run course finished and it looks good.

Friday 23 August 2013

Reminder for Week 5

Swimming Togs Reminder Swimming Togs Reminder Swimming Togs Reminder

Don't forget you are swimming Tuesday 2pm and Wednesday 9am Week 5.  That's two days of swimming this week.  Don't forget your togs and towel.  Please ensure children bring their togs on their swimming days.  All children are expected to swim unless they have written permission from their caregivers.  Thank to you to all the parents/caregivers who have already forwarded the payment of $10 for the term. If you have not already done this, please would you kindly forward this to me with the permission slip.

Parent teacher interviews  will be held on Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 August.  I hope that all parents will come along to talk to Mrs Stanley and I about your child's learning.  Don't forgot to go to  and type in Rosebank School's code which is YTMRV.  Follow the prompts on the screen to book your appointment with us.  If you don't have access to the internet you can phone Christina in the office and she will book it for you.

Swimming Togs Reminder 
Week 5
Tuesday 2pm,   Wednesday 9am
Week 6
Wednesday 9.40am,  Friday 12.10pm.
Week 7
Wednesday 9.40am,  Friday 12.10pm.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Glitter Words

What a day it was rain rain all day long. Today I taught my class how to use Google Drive. I had a professional development meeting with Angie Simmons today. I was all excited about Google Drive that everyone in Room 28 had to try it.  Our question was Why Blog?  We used Google Presentation to create this.
We now believe using Google Drive is like having a paperless classroom.  What the students really enjoyed watching somebody typing away on one computer station and watching another computer screen with text just popping up.  What we learnt was:
  • How to create folders
  • How to create presentation and documents
  • How to share a document with  specific people
  • How to create and use templates.
The hardest part was having our slide posted on our blog.  That took a while for some students. 

Sunday 18 August 2013

Class Speeches

We had our class speech competition today and it was great to see students overcome their nerves to speak in front of an audience! We are looking forward to some great speeches! Keep an eye on our blog over the next couple of days for videos of the students' speeches to be posted.

Tresardi speaks about child abuse, What do you think? Tyren's speech is about Why Do people choose to drink and drive? Is There A Reason Why People Want To Drink And Drive... They don't care about the dangers of drinking and driving.



Amy speaks out about standing up for yourself

Alia's speech is about cyberbullying




Saturday 17 August 2013

Swimming Togs Reminder Week 4

Swimming Togs Reminder Swimming Togs Reminder Swimming Togs Reminder Swimming Togs Reminder

Don't forget you are swimming Monday 2pm, Thursday 9am and Friday 2pm Week 4.  That's three days of swimming this week.  Don't forget your togs and towel.  Please ensure children bring their togs on their swimming days.  All children are expected to swim unless they have written permission from their caregivers.  Thank to you to all the parents/caregivers who have already forwarded the payment of $10 for the term. If you have not already done this, please would you kindly forward this to me with the permission slip.

Week 4
Monday 2pm,   Thursday 9am,   Friday 2pm
Week 5
Tuesday 2pm,   Wednesday 9am
Week 6
Wednesday 9.40am,  Friday 12.10pm.
Week 7
Wednesday 9.40am,  Friday 12.10pm.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Swimming Week 3

Today I learnt how to paddle fast but I didn't as I couldn't breath properly. The group I am in is the orange group. We all had to have paddle board and paddle on our backs. I had to remember to blink to see where I was going. We had to keep our tummy up or we will sink. Our instructor was Fern.

by Tyren

 Today I learnt how to swim straight keeping my stomach up and small kicks. I learnt streamline swimming technique. Streamline form is a swimming technique that is used underwater in every stroke.
by Yoshi

 Today I went to swimming at 9am and my instructor was Fern. I learnt today that I need to do small and fast kicks. Why because so I can move across the water. I enjoyed learning streamline swimming using a floating board.
by Brianna

Today (14th August) room 28 took their 4th swimming lesson this term. I was in the highest group (group yellow) and we were instructed by Rachel. We practised our streamline arm positions with kicking boards and we swam laps around our side of the pool doing streamline on our on our stomachs. We also did backstroke around the pool.
The instructors explained the theory very well and didn’t get mad at anyone when some of us messed up a bit. I think I did backstroke the best since it was easy and I didn’t stop (although I hit my head on the end of the pool several times) I still found it fun.

By Amy

On Wednesday 14th of August some of the students in Room 28 went to swimming lessons. I was in the yellow team which is the highest group. Our instructor’s name was Rachel.
Our group learnt how to do the streamline arm positions; even though most of us knew how to do it we got better at it. We also did laps from the side of the pool to the other. We did different styles of swimming which was backstroke, streamline and a couple more. Whenever I did backstrokes I was a bit worried because I thought that I would hit my head at the end of the pool.
I found backstroke the easiest and the thing I struggled a bit on was the streamline arm positions. Out of all the bad sides and the good sides I had a lot of fun.
By Alia

Today we learnt how to swim streamline and swim on our backs. I am in the yellow group the strong swimmers group. My instructor is Rachel. Our group used floating boards to help us with the streamline swimming techniques of floating. Our instructor is very funny as times and makes us feel very comfortable in water.
by Inoke.
 Today I learnt to float on my back. We need to lift bums up and kick faster but small kicks to go fast. I used the floating board to help me swim today. I really enjoyed session. Can't wait for next lesson.
by Caleb
In the morning my class and I went to swimming but first of all we had to get changed. We walked out quickly as the concrete was cold under my feet. I was so excited when we got there I wanted to just jump in the pool. We were split up into groups for our levels. I am in the orange group and our instructor is Rachel. Today I learnt to swim on my back with the paddle board. The technique I learnt today was streamline swimming.
By Max
 Today we learnt streamline swimming on our backs and was not allowed to use any floating board. I learnt that when you do streamline you have to have your arms behind your ears and when you swim back your chin must be facing the roof. Your tummy must be over the water. 
by Ashley

Financial Literacy

On Tuesday Chris from ASB Bank visited Room 28.  He talked about financial literacy - the importance of saving money.  We as a class learnt how interest gets calculated if we bank our money in a bank.  We don't get interest if we save our money in money boxes.

Chris is asking who knows how to get money.
                                              Neighbourhood jobs                                               
                                             Selling and Trading                                               
Chris is showing how money and interest work.
Hey, Amy has $4680 and she is getting more money
by doing nothing. WHAT?! 
by Nathan & Rahil

Monday 12 August 2013


Glitter Words

Marble Run Competition

Who can design and construct the slowest marble run time?


1. Marbles will all be released from left corner of platform and roll to bottom right corner exit.

2. You can throw or push marble when releasing, just let the marble go when the timer says go.

3. Once the marble is moving it must continue moving, and you cannot touch the marble with anything or move the platform. Any interference (e.g., blowing on it) will mean you are disqualified.

4. The slowest marble run wins but if the marble stops before the finish line it is out of the race.

5. Play fairly the judge’s decision will be final.

6. After designing and constructing your marble run, you will have three test runs only before the playoff. 

Room 28 you have 7 lesson times for you to work with your group. Week 5 on Friday is the marble run and a special judge is invited to judge.

Goal:   The students will learn the effects of gravity.

Objective:  The students will demonstrate and apply their knowledge of gravity by constructing a marble run.
  • What we are learning by constructing a marble run is
  • Motion happens by the objects direction and speed
  • Forces cause changes in motion
  • Moving objects have kinetic energy.
How is it going so far? (day 4)

Dariuz:  Our group is working on making sure the marble slows down when it reaches the end.

Tyren:    It's going good because we nearly have all the equipment's already to start in week 4.  I believe our group will make it in the top three team. 

Group 4:  (Rahil, Ling Pin, Khent and Jared) Our marble run is going off good.  We have got 4 marbles, 2 bottles, paper towels rolls, a box and some long tubes ready.

Seble:  Our groups knows what everybody has to bring.  We have decided what we are creating and have start to plan our design. 

Ashley:  We have a plan but have to get our stuff for the marble run.  We just have to get more organised.
Nicky:   It's hard for my group to do our plan.  I don't know how we are going to get our plan ready.  We are still deciding where the pipes will go.  Our group just has to get organised and we might have a brilliant plan for our marble run.

Amy:   So far I have thought about having concepts for each stage of this marble run.  It's coming along quite well and I am thinking logically about my ideas.

Yhazmne:   It has been amazing working with my group and its been a great thing for us working together.  

Tresardi:   The marble run is going good for us.  We just need to bring our supplies on time. Our groups problems are not have any recycled materials to start on Monday.  So we need to raid the staff room for recycled bottles as there are lots of milk bottles in the staff room.

Brianna:   I enjoyed being with my group (6).  I like discussing with others how we were going to plan our marble run.  It has been a fun topic week.

Inoke:  It's been good for our group as we have brought all our equipment needs for the marble run in class.  We have made a simple model and tested it.  I think we have a great plan but need to make sure it works.

Glitter Words

What is force?
This week we learnt that a force is something that can cause movement.  We learnt about different types of forces.  As a class we examined a lot of photos and discussed what force was being used.  Then we used this information on our worksheets.  Forces we learnt were gravity, buoyancy, friction and muscular force.

Glitter Words

We started our new topic by brainstorming "What is Movement?".  We came up with the idea that movement is when something changes position.  Some ways to move we thought was turning, swinging, bouncing etc..
We walked around the school and noticed that most things were not moving but we could make it move. 

Sunday 11 August 2013

Maths week

This week is Maths week.  Click on the link below, sign in and enjoy.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Swimming Togs Reminder

Swimming Togs Reminder Swimming Togs Reminder Swimming Togs Reminder Swimming Togs Reminder

Don't forget you are swimming Monday 2pm, Thursday 9am and Friday 2pm Week 2.  That's three days of swimming this week.  Don't forget your togs and towel.  Please ensure children bring their togs on their swimming days.  All children are expected to swim unless they have written permission from their caregivers.  Thank to you to all the parents/caregivers who have already forwarded the payment of $10 for the term. If you have not already done this, please would you kindly forward this to me with the permission slip.

Week  2
Monday 2pm,   Thursday 9am,   Friday 2pm
Week 3
Tuesday 2pm,   Wednesday 9am
Week 4
Monday 2pm,   Thursday 9am,   Friday 2pm
Week 5
Tuesday 2pm,   Wednesday 9am
Week 6
Wednesday 9.40am,  Friday 12.10pm.
Week 7
Wednesday 9.40am,  Friday 12.10pm.