Tuesday 13 August 2013

Swimming Week 3

Today I learnt how to paddle fast but I didn't as I couldn't breath properly. The group I am in is the orange group. We all had to have paddle board and paddle on our backs. I had to remember to blink to see where I was going. We had to keep our tummy up or we will sink. Our instructor was Fern.

by Tyren

 Today I learnt how to swim straight keeping my stomach up and small kicks. I learnt streamline swimming technique. Streamline form is a swimming technique that is used underwater in every stroke.
by Yoshi

 Today I went to swimming at 9am and my instructor was Fern. I learnt today that I need to do small and fast kicks. Why because so I can move across the water. I enjoyed learning streamline swimming using a floating board.
by Brianna

Today (14th August) room 28 took their 4th swimming lesson this term. I was in the highest group (group yellow) and we were instructed by Rachel. We practised our streamline arm positions with kicking boards and we swam laps around our side of the pool doing streamline on our on our stomachs. We also did backstroke around the pool.
The instructors explained the theory very well and didn’t get mad at anyone when some of us messed up a bit. I think I did backstroke the best since it was easy and I didn’t stop (although I hit my head on the end of the pool several times) I still found it fun.

By Amy

On Wednesday 14th of August some of the students in Room 28 went to swimming lessons. I was in the yellow team which is the highest group. Our instructor’s name was Rachel.
Our group learnt how to do the streamline arm positions; even though most of us knew how to do it we got better at it. We also did laps from the side of the pool to the other. We did different styles of swimming which was backstroke, streamline and a couple more. Whenever I did backstrokes I was a bit worried because I thought that I would hit my head at the end of the pool.
I found backstroke the easiest and the thing I struggled a bit on was the streamline arm positions. Out of all the bad sides and the good sides I had a lot of fun.
By Alia

Today we learnt how to swim streamline and swim on our backs. I am in the yellow group the strong swimmers group. My instructor is Rachel. Our group used floating boards to help us with the streamline swimming techniques of floating. Our instructor is very funny as times and makes us feel very comfortable in water.
by Inoke.
 Today I learnt to float on my back. We need to lift bums up and kick faster but small kicks to go fast. I used the floating board to help me swim today. I really enjoyed session. Can't wait for next lesson.
by Caleb
In the morning my class and I went to swimming but first of all we had to get changed. We walked out quickly as the concrete was cold under my feet. I was so excited when we got there I wanted to just jump in the pool. We were split up into groups for our levels. I am in the orange group and our instructor is Rachel. Today I learnt to swim on my back with the paddle board. The technique I learnt today was streamline swimming.
By Max
 Today we learnt streamline swimming on our backs and was not allowed to use any floating board. I learnt that when you do streamline you have to have your arms behind your ears and when you swim back your chin must be facing the roof. Your tummy must be over the water. 
by Ashley


  1. Nice swimming you guys.I hope you know how to swim.From Ashleigh

  2. cool blog!!!
