Monday 12 August 2013


Glitter Words

Marble Run Competition

Who can design and construct the slowest marble run time?


1. Marbles will all be released from left corner of platform and roll to bottom right corner exit.

2. You can throw or push marble when releasing, just let the marble go when the timer says go.

3. Once the marble is moving it must continue moving, and you cannot touch the marble with anything or move the platform. Any interference (e.g., blowing on it) will mean you are disqualified.

4. The slowest marble run wins but if the marble stops before the finish line it is out of the race.

5. Play fairly the judge’s decision will be final.

6. After designing and constructing your marble run, you will have three test runs only before the playoff. 

Room 28 you have 7 lesson times for you to work with your group. Week 5 on Friday is the marble run and a special judge is invited to judge.

Goal:   The students will learn the effects of gravity.

Objective:  The students will demonstrate and apply their knowledge of gravity by constructing a marble run.
  • What we are learning by constructing a marble run is
  • Motion happens by the objects direction and speed
  • Forces cause changes in motion
  • Moving objects have kinetic energy.
How is it going so far? (day 4)

Dariuz:  Our group is working on making sure the marble slows down when it reaches the end.

Tyren:    It's going good because we nearly have all the equipment's already to start in week 4.  I believe our group will make it in the top three team. 

Group 4:  (Rahil, Ling Pin, Khent and Jared) Our marble run is going off good.  We have got 4 marbles, 2 bottles, paper towels rolls, a box and some long tubes ready.

Seble:  Our groups knows what everybody has to bring.  We have decided what we are creating and have start to plan our design. 

Ashley:  We have a plan but have to get our stuff for the marble run.  We just have to get more organised.
Nicky:   It's hard for my group to do our plan.  I don't know how we are going to get our plan ready.  We are still deciding where the pipes will go.  Our group just has to get organised and we might have a brilliant plan for our marble run.

Amy:   So far I have thought about having concepts for each stage of this marble run.  It's coming along quite well and I am thinking logically about my ideas.

Yhazmne:   It has been amazing working with my group and its been a great thing for us working together.  

Tresardi:   The marble run is going good for us.  We just need to bring our supplies on time. Our groups problems are not have any recycled materials to start on Monday.  So we need to raid the staff room for recycled bottles as there are lots of milk bottles in the staff room.

Brianna:   I enjoyed being with my group (6).  I like discussing with others how we were going to plan our marble run.  It has been a fun topic week.

Inoke:  It's been good for our group as we have brought all our equipment needs for the marble run in class.  We have made a simple model and tested it.  I think we have a great plan but need to make sure it works.

Glitter Words

What is force?
This week we learnt that a force is something that can cause movement.  We learnt about different types of forces.  As a class we examined a lot of photos and discussed what force was being used.  Then we used this information on our worksheets.  Forces we learnt were gravity, buoyancy, friction and muscular force.

Glitter Words

We started our new topic by brainstorming "What is Movement?".  We came up with the idea that movement is when something changes position.  Some ways to move we thought was turning, swinging, bouncing etc..
We walked around the school and noticed that most things were not moving but we could make it move. 

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