Monday 23 September 2013

Green Drink!

On Tuesday 24th of September Mrs Sila'ila'i came to our class and showed us how to make nutritious drink called the "Green Drink".   Green Drink is a nutritious smoothie that will make you healthier.  This is one of the ways you can make your kids consume vegetables and fruits.  When Mrs Sila'ila'i told us we were having a green drink, we were not so excited about it but when we tasted the drink it was delicious.

The ingredients were:

Banana, pears, kiwifruits, grapes, ginger, spinach, honey and water. We put them in the blender and pulsed it.

Here are some photos we took:

Thursday 12 September 2013

Rosebank 2013 Speech Finals

On Wednesday 4th of September Rosebank School held the 2013 speech finals. There were eight contestants who did their speeches, 6 of them were from the senior team and 2 of them were from the middle team. The topics were, Racism, Bullying, Cyber bullying, The Earth, Rosebank School and Practice makes Perfect.

The following pictures have the student's name and speech topic:

Rosebank School was waiting for the speech competition to start
Tanishk is the first one to do his speech and his speech is Racism 
JJ talked about Rosebank School
Joash was the third one to go take the spotlight and his speech was also about Racism 
Aymal's powerful speech about The Earth
The judges were Mr Breet Skeen (principal of Waterview), Jo Hardwidge (principal of Avondale Intermediate) and  our own deputy principal Mrs Sila'ila'i

The host was Mrs Kissel, she was an awesome host
Sophie had her speech about bullying  
The judges are writing down on how well they are doing
Amy's speech is about Bullying/Standing Up for yourself
Alia spoke about Cyber Bullying 
Bradley had his speech about Practice Makes Perfect

They were waiting for there results 
And the winner is...Aymal!
all of the contestants

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Glitter Text -

Wednesday the 11 of September Rosebank Y5/6 children all went to MOTAT.  As part of our movement study we visited MOTAT to learn about how toys move.  Students learnt how a range of toys work, what they are made of and how they have changed over time.  The highly interactive workshop we visited gave students opportunities to discover and learn how to use a variety of from the past and the present.  Also we went on the self-guided trail that challenged us to consider problem solving as we observed the artefacts.

We went on the tram ride and learnt how old the tram was.  The tram that we went on was at least 70 years old.  The tram worked by using electricity.


Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Tui School Garden Challenge (TSGC) is an annual competition looking for the best school gardens in New Zealand. Click on the picture below and see how Rosebank is doing at the Tui Challenge.

Room 28 I am so proud of all the hard work you are putting in.  I have a little surprise for you.  I just found out that my Kiwifruit Chutney is published for this months newsletter.  So that means our class has won some goodies from Tui.  Thanks Tui we look forwards to be receiving our goodies.  If you are keen to try the Chutney click on the link and make sure an adult helps you.

Planter Boxes

On Tuesday morning Room 28 went outside Manawa's team to look at the new school planter boxes.  There were six planter boxes outside.  Each team at Rosebank will have a planter boxes to share and plant their chosen vegetables.  Room 28 and Room 27 will share our teams’ box.  These boxes are assembled by Mike our school caretaker.  When Mike started to assemble the boxes a lot of the children thought they were coffin boxes.  A lot of the children had fun time lying down. 

There are six boxes like these outside Manawa's block.
Here is our own Inoke checking how long the box is.

Girls from Room28 are super exited and can't wait to get in.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Vegie Patch

It was a gorgeous sunny day. Room 28 wanted to get our beetroot and celery patch all ready for the seedlings to go in. First we had to pull all the weeds out and turn the soil over. After doing this we added compost to the soil and mixed it in. We will leave this for a few days then next week plant our beetroot and celery seedlings.

Nathaniel is pulling all the red cabbage that has flowered.

Tyren and Yoshi are digging  to turn the soil over.
Mrs Singh is this ok?
 this patch is already for the beetroots to go in now.  Job well done.

We are putting radish seeds in and did you know radish is ready in about 28 days ...
At the end of the day we always clean all the tools.