Monday 23 September 2013

Green Drink!

On Tuesday 24th of September Mrs Sila'ila'i came to our class and showed us how to make nutritious drink called the "Green Drink".   Green Drink is a nutritious smoothie that will make you healthier.  This is one of the ways you can make your kids consume vegetables and fruits.  When Mrs Sila'ila'i told us we were having a green drink, we were not so excited about it but when we tasted the drink it was delicious.

The ingredients were:

Banana, pears, kiwifruits, grapes, ginger, spinach, honey and water. We put them in the blender and pulsed it.

Here are some photos we took:


  1. Good to hear you are keeping healthy, room 28. I have got a project for you early next term... We need a soup recipe made with vegetables from our school garden. We are going to serve it to parents at our e-learning expo on 7 November. Do you think you could come up with something?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is my first time that I am through Room 8 blog. I find useful stuff here regarding health. Green drink works very well, even for people who don't know a lot about nutrition. Can you please tell me easy way to make green drinks at home?

    1. Just follow what we did, make sure you wash all your fruits and vegetables.
