Tuesday 10 September 2013

Planter Boxes

On Tuesday morning Room 28 went outside Manawa's team to look at the new school planter boxes.  There were six planter boxes outside.  Each team at Rosebank will have a planter boxes to share and plant their chosen vegetables.  Room 28 and Room 27 will share our teams’ box.  These boxes are assembled by Mike our school caretaker.  When Mike started to assemble the boxes a lot of the children thought they were coffin boxes.  A lot of the children had fun time lying down. 

There are six boxes like these outside Manawa's block.
Here is our own Inoke checking how long the box is.

Girls from Room28 are super exited and can't wait to get in.


  1. Thanks Inoke for showing me how long the boxes are. Each team should be able to plant lots of yummy vegetables to eat. That's right you get to share your vegetables with Room 27.

    Mrs Foster

  2. Really funny Room 28 I really liked it.

    1. Hi Kaydence, how are you and your new school? A big hello from us all. Mrs Singh
