Wednesday 4 September 2013

Vegie Patch

It was a gorgeous sunny day. Room 28 wanted to get our beetroot and celery patch all ready for the seedlings to go in. First we had to pull all the weeds out and turn the soil over. After doing this we added compost to the soil and mixed it in. We will leave this for a few days then next week plant our beetroot and celery seedlings.

Nathaniel is pulling all the red cabbage that has flowered.

Tyren and Yoshi are digging  to turn the soil over.
Mrs Singh is this ok?
 this patch is already for the beetroots to go in now.  Job well done.

We are putting radish seeds in and did you know radish is ready in about 28 days ...
At the end of the day we always clean all the tools.



  1. Well done Rm 28 you are doing a good job looking after our school garden. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Miss Tohi.
      We are looking forward when celery and beetroots are ready to pick.

  2. I am looking forward to seeing your team garden and all the wonderful vegetables you will grow in there too. Yum Yum :-). Keep up the good work.

    Mrs Foster
