Monday, 20 May 2013
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Explanations explain why or how something works or happens.
Explanation Writing Frame
Opening Statement
Explanation sequence or series of events
Concluding sentence
How a Kite Works
kite is a flying object that is heavier than air.
kite consists of a frame, a skin covering the frame and a long string that is
held by the user.
kite becomes airborne when the wind pressure between the kite and the ground
pressure between the kite and the ground lifts the structure into the air. The
tilt of the plane surface of the kite causes a lesser air pressure to occur
behind the kite’s upper surface than the wind on the under – surface.
have been used as signals, experimental instruments in atmospheric measurements
and as play objects dating back many thousands of years.
TKI Writing: Explanation exemplar | ||
click on the link above and read our examples
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Monday, 6 May 2013
Year 6 Camp
Slideshow created with Smilebox |
On Thursday 18th of April, the year 6's went to EOTC Camp. We travelled by bus to Carey Park. There were 8 activities, and we were split into 8 groups. Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 did archery, confidence course, wall-climbing and kayaking. The other groups did flying fox, cooking, kayaking and air rifles. The year 6's had a spectacular time at the EOTC Camp!!
YUMMY Pancake!!!
Are you tired yet?
We're going hunting!
Let's do the Harlem Shake!!!!!
(P.S BYE, we had an awesome time at EOTC Camp!)
Tina & Tane Show
Today Rosebank Primary had a show in our school hall. The Auckland city Council put on a show for us about keeping our waterways safe and clean. The Tina and Tane Show is based on two virtual comic book characters that come to life using music, dance and comedy to teach primary school children about urban environments, water quality and health.
From Tina and Tane show we learnt not to swim in or near storm water drains especially after a lot of rain. We also learned that whatever goes down the drains ends up in streams, rivers and the sea. So it is very important that we are careful of what we put in our outside drains.
Room 26 children formed a giant backpack with Tane.
Thanks Tina & Tane for the great show.
Diamante Poem
snowy, frosty,
snowing, raining, shovelling
shivering, slippery, sunny, warm
blossoming, shining, glowing
vivid, lifelike
My learning intention was to create a diamante poem. Diamante poem is a form similar to a cinquain poem. The text forms a diamond shape. Amy
Cold, snow
Raining, snowing, holding
White, bright, bloom, warm
Watering, writing, kayaking
Hot, colours
by Nicky
cold, arctic
shivering, freezing, raining
cold, nippy, nice, sunny
amazing, falling, enchanting
pure, beautiful
by Myah
cold, beautiful
shivering, snowing, sking
snowflakes, snowman, leaves, flowers
playing, swimming, raining
colourful, windy
by Alia
cold, cloudy
freezing, raining, snowing
snow, inside, outside, drought
planting, burning, blooming
sunny, hot
by Nathan
Couplets are two lines with the last words rhyming. The poem can be used with any topic.
Today is windy - it is too chilly,
I don't care - the day is pretty
When it snows,
I can't feel my toes.
The rain is dreadful,
The sun is helpful. Tyren
Garden Irrigation System
On Friday the 5th of April our class went to the hall at 11:40 to talk about the school garden irrigation system plans. We were the first class there and it was just us and Mrs Robyns. So before the other classes came we talked about why we were there since our teachers told us it was a surprise assembly. Some students were able to tell why we were there while others just sat there listening to other’s opinions and thinking. But in no time everyone knew why we were there looking at the table that set up. It contained 3 cups of water with four straws each beside 1 cup.
We started to get serious even if we didn’t win the prize, a technician would come to the school and make an irrigation system with two students from each class, based on their irrigation system. I’m just going to do my best to make the team. Amy
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