Tuesday 14 May 2013


Explanations explain why or how something works or happens.

Explanation Writing Frame
Opening Statement
Explanation sequence or series of events
Concluding sentence


How a Kite Works
A kite is a flying object that is heavier than air.
A kite consists of a frame, a skin covering the frame and a long string that is held by the user.
A kite becomes airborne when the wind pressure between the kite and the ground pressure between the kite and the ground lifts the structure into the air. The tilt of the plane surface of the kite causes a lesser air pressure to occur behind the kite’s upper surface than the wind on the under – surface.
Kites have been used as signals, experimental instruments in atmospheric measurements and as play objects dating back many thousands of years.

Deeper feature characteristics of this exemplar
English exemplar of student work: How to make a Hangi

Surface feature characteristics of this exemplar
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