Monday 6 May 2013

Garden Irrigation System

On Friday the 5th of April our class went to the hall at 11:40 to talk about the school garden irrigation system plans.  We were the first class there and it was just us and Mrs Robyns.  So before the other classes came we talked about why we were there since our teachers told us it was a surprise assembly.  Some students were able to tell why we were there while others just sat there listening to other’s opinions and thinking.  But in no time everyone knew why we were there looking at the table that set up. It contained 3 cups of water with four straws each beside 1 cup.

When all the other classes arrived, we started to think more I’m quite sure everyone was very eager to know why we were in the hall. Then things got interesting when Mrs Robyns told every student that if we had to design an irrigation system, enter a competition and if we won our system will be used in the garden.  Then things elevated a bit more, Mrs Robyns set up a challenge.  Each classroom teacher had to choose two students to try and transport the water from the three glasses to another empty cup using the straws.  Now I’m guessing you’re wondering how you are going to do it with a straw.  Well it was water pressure, you suck some water out of the cup and hold the end in your mouth and ta-dah! The water stays in the straw and doesn’t drip!  

We started to get serious even if we didn’t win the prize, a technician would come to the school and make an irrigation system with two students from each class, based on their irrigation system. I’m just going to do my best to make the team.  Amy

Last Friday 5th of April all of the Yr5/6 team went to the hall at 11.40 and the teacher was Mrs Robyns. She was talking to us about how water was transported from one place to other. Then she gave us some questions and she showed us some pictures. Later we got some students from each class to use the straws to move water from one table to another. Also students used the water pump to pump water out of one bucket to another container.  Yoshi

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