Monday 6 May 2013

Year 6 Camp

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On Thursday 18th of April, the year 6's went to EOTC Camp. We travelled by bus to Carey Park. There were 8 activities, and we were split into 8 groups. Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 did archery, confidence course, wall-climbing and kayaking.   The other groups did flying fox, cooking, kayaking and air rifles. The year 6's had a spectacular time at the EOTC Camp!!

YUMMY Pancake!!!

 Are you tired yet?
We're going hunting!
Let's do the Harlem Shake!!!!!
(P.S BYE, we had an awesome time at EOTC Camp!)


  1. haha Harlem shake

  2. cool and so funny feel like eating pancakes hehehe :}

  3. it was cool as in the whole white world.

  4. Thank you for a great time at Carey Park team. My favourite part was watching you all have so much fun and get along so well.

  5. well done room 28 i can imagine eating those delisous pankakes.......mmmmmmmm
