Monday 6 May 2013

Tina & Tane Show

Today Rosebank Primary had a show in our school hall.  The Auckland city Council put on a show for us about keeping our waterways safe and clean.  The Tina and Tane Show is based on two virtual comic book characters that come to life using music, dance and comedy to teach primary school children about urban environments, water quality and health.  

From Tina and Tane show we learnt not to swim in or near storm water drains especially after a lot of rain.  We also learned that whatever goes down the drains ends up in streams, rivers and the sea.  So it is very important that we are careful of what we put in our outside drains. 

Tina & Tane characters

A silent reaction from room28..

Room 26 children formed a giant backpack with Tane.

Thanks Tina & Tane for the great show.

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