Tuesday 10 December 2013

Year 6 Graduation 2013

Yesterday the Year 6 Graduation evening was a huge success.  Teachers and family members sat, full of pride, as the children recounted their journeys of their time at Rosebank, entertained us with song and celebrated their efforts and achievements.

Listen to the children sing Distant Dreamer as their graduation song

Well done to ALL our Year 6 children.    You will be missed!

Senior School Prizegiving 2013

The staff and senior school pupils of Rosebank School gathered to celebrate all the academic successes as well as the sporting, musical and artistic successes of all senior pupils throughout the academic year in School. All excitied teachers, students and parents made their way to our school hall at 11.30.


I conclude by congratulating all our students for their achievements during this very successful year, be they prize-winners or not.

Thursday 5 December 2013


On Thursday the 5th of December Rosebank School held their Cultural Performance. We had put our sweat, tears and dedication in this performance. The performances started at 6:00pm and ended up at 8:00pm.  Every student had to participate in the event.  All family members came and supported us.

We did the following dances (in order)
1: Nathan, Alia, Amy, Rahil and Khent "Tinikling" a Filipino folk dance
2: The Room 28 girls doing Pate Pate a pacifica girl's dance
3: The Room 28 boys doing a pacifica dance to a song by "Zipso" 

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Glitter Words

Yesterday the 3rd of December Rosebank Primary School went across to Avondale College to attend Primary Schools' Have a Go Day.  Only the Year 6 children were invited to go.  Room 28 children had to stay behind with Mrs Singh and work.  All the Rosebank Year 6 children had to met up in our school hall with Patricia and off we went. 

There were four other schools that joined us.  We got spilt up in to groups of six.  We played cricket, football, ripper rugby, netball, cricket and basketball.  Each sports we played about 30 minutes and our rotation time was for only 5 minutes.  We had morning tea and lunch at Avondale College.


Tuesday 26 November 2013

Monday 18 November 2013

Green Monster

I didn't tell my Dad about the green monster I found at the bottom of the garden because ____________________________________________________.   The spaceship lifted off in a swirl of smoke and noise and then shot off to the stars in a flash of light.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Hi Kaydence & Tyren

It is so good to hear from you both.  I hope Australia is working out for you and family.  The class would like to keep in touch with both of you and here is our classroom email. 

We look forwards to be hearing from both of you soon.


Mrs Singh

rosebankroom28@gmail.com rosebankroom28@gmail.com rosebankroom28@gmail.com rosebankroom28@gmail.com   rosebankroom28@gmail.com rosebankroom28@gmail.com rosebankroom28@gmail.com

E-learning Cooking Experience

On Thursday 7th of November, four students from Room 28 went to prepare vegetable soup for the E-ELearning Expo for the  evening.  Here are their recounts.

On Thursday the 7th of November  Nicky, Caleb, Losaline and other children from Room 17 went to help make vegetable soup for the E-learning Expo.  When we first got there Mrs Robyns gave us jobs to do and it was of our choice. Losaline and Nicky choose to peel potatoes.   Caleb chooses to peel carrots and I choose to cut silverbeet, cabbage, onions and pumpkin.

First Mrs Robyns told me how I should cut the cabbages.  I started with the small cabbage after I finished cutting the small cabbage I started to cut the big Cabbage.  Later when I finished cutting all the cabbage, I tipped it into a big pot and went to help Mrs Robyns to cut onions.   In no time, I had finished chopping onions.  So I went to help Casenta cut the pumpkin.  I cut my finger because I was holding the knife too close to my hand.  So I just left the pumpkin and started cutting the silverbeet.  After cutting silverbeet we all finished our jobs and went back to class.

By Sebla

On Thursday the 7th of November, Losaline, Sebla, Caleb and I got chosen to help Mrs Robyns prepare the vegetables for the soup. The vegetable soup was for the E-Learning Expo that was held on that evening.  Losaline and I got chosen to peel the potatoes and the kumara. Sebla got chosen to cut the cabbage, onions and silverbeet. Caleb got to peel the carrots and then when he finished he had to grate them. 
Later on Whea Aggie came in the staff room with the four kids she had chosen to help us with the vegetable soup. We were happy that we finished the vegetable soup in no time. I hope to cook in school sometimes again.    It was fun working as a team.

By Nicky

On Thursday 7th November Me, Nicky, Sebla and Caleb helped Mrs Robyns cooked vegetable soup for the E-learning Expo. We all had different jobs some of the jobs were peeling the potatoes, cutting cabbage and chopping the sliverbeet, onions and carrots.  Other helpers came from room 17 to help prepare the vegetables. We also chopped leeks and cut pumpkin it was pretty hard but we got through it.

By  Losaline 


Sunday 10 November 2013

E-Learning Expo

On Thursday 7th  November Rosebank School held the E-Learning Expo. 3-6 students were picked to present for their team/class. Room 28, we presented about our blogging experience while the other class in our team presented about Storybird.                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Monday 28 October 2013

Fun Run

On Wednesday 23rd of October the Year 4-6 students from Rosebank Primary, St Mary's Primary, and Avondale Primary went out to Eastdale Reserve to have a Fun Run. Sports Waitakere and the Police held this event. It was a fun event even though it was raining on and off. We had to run around the whole field which is about 2 kilometers. The Year 4's ran one lap, but the Years 5 and 6's ran 2 laps. When you have finished the race you were allowed to have a FREE sausage sizzle, and also you were able to play on the inflatable play area. You could also play tug of war.

That's Our Mascot

We all had to warm up before the run.

Ready Set Go

Come on pull.......

Seedling Sales


Room 28 would like to thank all the parents and teachers who brought the seedlings from Rosebank Garden.  We were able to raise $101.00 and from this we will be buying more compost and seeds.   If any body still wants tomato seedlings we have just a few left.  You can get in touch with the office or Room 28.


Wednesday 23 October 2013

Saturday 19 October 2013

Writing a Procedural Text

A procedural text is used to explain
  • How to do something
  • How to get Somewhere
  • When a set of rules need to be understood.
A procedure is generally quite easy to write as long you know a little bit about your topic.  This poster will walk you through the process of writing an effective procedural text by breaking it down into simple steps.

This week we are writing recipes.


Monday 14 October 2013

Turbo Touch

Today our class learnt a new sport called Turbo Touch.

Rules for Turbo Touch are:

1.      You need two passes to score a try.

2.      When a person gets touched we have to go back 2 meters.

3.      We have to give the person 2 second to run then we can touch them.

4.      We have 4 touches until we handed over.

5.      P.T.T . stands for Pass, Touch and Tap  

Today we went to the hall at 9am to learn about Turbo Touch.  We were not so excited about today’s lesson but when we got to the hall and heard what we were keen to learn.  |Our instructor was Jack and we learnt that Turbo Touch was invented in New Zealand by Tapine Wilson and George Jahnke.  The two touch players wanted to create a sport that could be played all year around.  We learnt what the rules are and we played some activities to warm up.  

Turbo Touch combines elements of:
Ultimate Frisbee
Our instructors Jack and Frenchessca


Please don’t squeeze me tight

Look into my eyes you are getting dizzy.  

I am tapping the ball and passing it on

We are suppose to jump over the try line as fast as we can.

We had a race with Room 18 - tapping and passing the ball around the circle.  Room 28 won.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Our fifth crop from the garden is ready and we will be selling it tomorrow (Tuesday 15 October) at 2:30pm by the flagpole. Please bring $1 or $ 2 to buy some vegetables to take home. We will be selling spinach, lettuce, parsley, radish and silverbeet. $1 bags of mixed herbs (mint, parsley, chives and rosemary). It will be on a first come first serve basis.

 Also for the first time we are selling tomato seedlings beefsteak to our community.

Two seedlings per pot for $1.50.

Please note that money collected will be used to buy some seedlings for the garden.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Tui School Garden Challenge People's Choice Award

Vote for Rosebank to win the Tui School Garden Challenge People's Choice Award!

The school with the most votes will win a $1000 voucher for Tui products to keep their garden growing. You can vote for more than one school, but can only vote for each school once. Vote by clicking on the 'vote' button and filling in your email details.

Click on our schools name to see the updates we have made showing how our garden is progressing.

Use the filter to show the schools in your region taking part in the Auckland area.

So come on children we need you and your family voting for Rosebank to win.  We have about 70 votes so far and need at least 200 to get in the winning.

Click on the link below to get Tui's web site.  Competition finishes on 25th October 2013

Mrs Singh



Monday 23 September 2013

Green Drink!

On Tuesday 24th of September Mrs Sila'ila'i came to our class and showed us how to make nutritious drink called the "Green Drink".   Green Drink is a nutritious smoothie that will make you healthier.  This is one of the ways you can make your kids consume vegetables and fruits.  When Mrs Sila'ila'i told us we were having a green drink, we were not so excited about it but when we tasted the drink it was delicious.

The ingredients were:

Banana, pears, kiwifruits, grapes, ginger, spinach, honey and water. We put them in the blender and pulsed it.

Here are some photos we took:

Thursday 12 September 2013

Rosebank 2013 Speech Finals

On Wednesday 4th of September Rosebank School held the 2013 speech finals. There were eight contestants who did their speeches, 6 of them were from the senior team and 2 of them were from the middle team. The topics were, Racism, Bullying, Cyber bullying, The Earth, Rosebank School and Practice makes Perfect.

The following pictures have the student's name and speech topic:

Rosebank School was waiting for the speech competition to start
Tanishk is the first one to do his speech and his speech is Racism 
JJ talked about Rosebank School
Joash was the third one to go take the spotlight and his speech was also about Racism 
Aymal's powerful speech about The Earth
The judges were Mr Breet Skeen (principal of Waterview), Jo Hardwidge (principal of Avondale Intermediate) and  our own deputy principal Mrs Sila'ila'i

The host was Mrs Kissel, she was an awesome host
Sophie had her speech about bullying  
The judges are writing down on how well they are doing
Amy's speech is about Bullying/Standing Up for yourself
Alia spoke about Cyber Bullying 
Bradley had his speech about Practice Makes Perfect

They were waiting for there results 
And the winner is...Aymal!
all of the contestants

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Glitter Text - http://www.sparklee.com

Wednesday the 11 of September Rosebank Y5/6 children all went to MOTAT.  As part of our movement study we visited MOTAT to learn about how toys move.  Students learnt how a range of toys work, what they are made of and how they have changed over time.  The highly interactive workshop we visited gave students opportunities to discover and learn how to use a variety of from the past and the present.  Also we went on the self-guided trail that challenged us to consider problem solving as we observed the artefacts.

We went on the tram ride and learnt how old the tram was.  The tram that we went on was at least 70 years old.  The tram worked by using electricity.